Friday, December 21, 2007

Jared's new thing

Jared has decided he wants to go into landscape architecture design. So he has began practicing with graham cracker houses. His family makes these every year & Jared loves to have the biggest one & even started an hour earlier than everyone else this year.
I didn't put a picture of mine on here becuase it's not too exciting & it looks the same every year anyway.
He was very excited about doing a winding staircase.


Aleena said...

Jared, You have got skills! I have never seen such a lovely house! The stairs are quite amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it looks great except for the fake trees. Here is a suggestion, if you are going into landscape architecture, stay away from the fake trees and flowers. The winding staircase is really impressive. Keep up the good work. Sorry about the seminary deal. You would have been a good teacher. The not so easily impressed Mother-in-Law

Muttonheads said...

You've impressed my kids!!

Linds said...

i am seriously impressed. Hopefully we get to see you over the Holiday!