Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So Boring

Ok, so our internet hasn't been working so I haven't been doing any blogging. Tonight I am too tired to put anything on but I will soon. I win the most boring blog prize! Can someone teach me how to dress it up. I haven't taken time to figure out how to put pictures side by side & such. Please give all tips and clues and when I make time I will try to make this more exciting. Thanks :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Golfing with the Gardners!

I don't think we could have picked a colder day to do this. The morning started out warm but by the time we got to sleepy ridge the wind was blowing and it was 10 degrees colder! We were able to play 4 holes and got a rain check to come back another day. We decided to go & get breakfast & hot chocolate instead.

Lindsay wore Jared's wind breaker but it was so big it would just poof out.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's going up fast!

Here is some of the plumbing

Sunday, October 7, 2007

And it Begins!

For a long time we've been waiting for the house building to begin and....

now we have a hole and the building can begin thanks to Jared & his hard work with getting this going. I can't hardly wait!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Our Fun Weekend

Andrea, Megan, & Austen came from Rexburg to play this weekend & here are some of the exciting things we did.
We went to Color Me Mine and painted some cute things. We don't get to see the final product until Thursday so hopefully they turn out good! Jared painted a bowl. Good job J.
Another fun thing we did is go to Ikea. It is a long store to go through with kids but Meg & Aus did great!
Ok, this looks a little weird but we decided it would be fun to clean the wax out of our ears. It's an activity everyone should try once.

We're going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you, you can come too too too, we're going to the zoo zoo zoo. -Raffi
Here are some Turkeys and the "Ghost of the Bayou" (white aligator)
Megan's almost done with her cute vase.
Austen beat us all done with his fun Halloween ceramic.

Color Me Mine

Well here they are, the finished product. Jared took these pictures so don't mind the mess behind the pictures.